Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Misery loves company.

I am sick with what I believe is strep throat.

Isn't that awesome?

My dad has had strep throat since Christmas. Seems to be a recurring theme with him, actually. I can remember him not looking the greatest on more than one Christmas morning because of the great Strep.

You can have S.T for quite a while without having a flare up. Which is why it took him so long to go to the doctor and get medication.

My throat acted up for the first time on Wednesday, I believe. Then Thursday it dulled to just being scratchy. Then Friday, it was perfectly fine so, I asked mother to cancel my doctor's appointment for later that day. What's the point if you feel best kind, right?


Monday night I was in excruciating pain. I couldn't eat, couldn't drink, couldn't even sit there, without my throat erupting into pain. Then, of course, when I tried to go to sleep my ear decided to act up. I spent the whole night cringing while I swallowed and resting my ear upon a scalding hot water bottle. Needless to say, I didn't go to school this morning.

I e-mailed all the teachers whose class I missed today and almost everyone has e-mailed me back. So far for homework I have:
  • A story of a cell's journey through the blood stream for Bio
  • A worksheet of sorts, also for Bio
  • A physics worksheet
  • A small geography project

That's it, as of now. The story for Bio and the phsyics worksheet are not my main priorities. Although, the best story wins a prize. At the moment, the only thing from that list I would be able to accomplish is the biology story because I don't have anything else with me.

Anyways, I must go. I'm sure you're all enthralled with my strep story. (/No one even reads my blog)

If there is anyone out there who actually reads this sad excuse for a blog, check in because there will be another book review on the way!

Stay tuned for more word on the street.

Less than three <3

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