Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Misery loves company.

I am sick with what I believe is strep throat.

Isn't that awesome?

My dad has had strep throat since Christmas. Seems to be a recurring theme with him, actually. I can remember him not looking the greatest on more than one Christmas morning because of the great Strep.

You can have S.T for quite a while without having a flare up. Which is why it took him so long to go to the doctor and get medication.

My throat acted up for the first time on Wednesday, I believe. Then Thursday it dulled to just being scratchy. Then Friday, it was perfectly fine so, I asked mother to cancel my doctor's appointment for later that day. What's the point if you feel best kind, right?


Monday night I was in excruciating pain. I couldn't eat, couldn't drink, couldn't even sit there, without my throat erupting into pain. Then, of course, when I tried to go to sleep my ear decided to act up. I spent the whole night cringing while I swallowed and resting my ear upon a scalding hot water bottle. Needless to say, I didn't go to school this morning.

I e-mailed all the teachers whose class I missed today and almost everyone has e-mailed me back. So far for homework I have:
  • A story of a cell's journey through the blood stream for Bio
  • A worksheet of sorts, also for Bio
  • A physics worksheet
  • A small geography project

That's it, as of now. The story for Bio and the phsyics worksheet are not my main priorities. Although, the best story wins a prize. At the moment, the only thing from that list I would be able to accomplish is the biology story because I don't have anything else with me.

Anyways, I must go. I'm sure you're all enthralled with my strep story. (/No one even reads my blog)

If there is anyone out there who actually reads this sad excuse for a blog, check in because there will be another book review on the way!

Stay tuned for more word on the street.

Less than three <3

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My heart is yours.

I am upset.

Last week was the end of my midterms. Thank-god. I struggled through the whole ordeal.

I got a couple of my exam marks back today and I am not happy to say the least. I won't go into detail but, let's just say that Geography is not my best subject. I should have gone with Histoire Canadien instead.

I'm interested to see how well I did on Bio 2201. I'm very nervous about it, though. I get my french mark back tomorrow as well. And I have to wait the whole day to get them, since they're both after lunch. I know for a fact that failing the french exam is a very real possibility. And I won't be surprised if I do. I am praying that I do not do as miserably as I am making up in my mind. I could even surprise myself and not fail. However, if I fail Bio, I will not be a happy camper. There will be tears. Bio is my favorite subject. Just writing about it now has me very worried.

It makes me feel kind of stupid that my best friends are all geniuses. They all got 90's on their exams. So the fact that my marks are dropping like flies doesn't exactly boost my confidence. Obviously I'm happy for them that they're doing so well. They were always smart anyways, so it's really no change. The change is that I'm doing a lot worse than I usually am. My overall average for Geography is now in the sixties. Sixties! I've never done that poorly on a report card before. Of course, this is my first year in high school. New things being done. I realize that. But it's still hard. And it really hurts when my parents are disappointed in me for the failure. I was the smart grand-daughter, niece, cousin. Now I'm the almost failing family member. It sucks. Especially since my mom is like, a genius. I feel stupid all the time now. I'm afraid to open my mouth for fear of sounding like a complete moron.

I have come to the conclusion that high school sucks. Life in it's entirety sucks. Ugh.

Stay tuned for more word on the street.

Less than three <3