Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I stayed home from school today, not because I was sick but because I felt the need to relax and have a bit of a boring day. Yesterday's events called for a day like today.
There was an assembly yesterday at school to remember the life of a boy who lost his battle to cancer. I never met him but I was still quite upset. There was a slide show with sad songs like Knocking on heaven's door by Guns 'N' Roses. Then our principal mentioned our missing teacher, Robert Banfield. That set my day up to be just wonderful.
So now, I am at home, drinking tea and playing computer games. It's a rather boring day that consisted of me eating nothing but vanilla cherry ice cream and chocolate but, it's great in the fact that it's very different from yesterday.
Off topic, my excitement for Christmas is rising. Me and my group of friends are exchanging our Secret Santa gifts on friday and then there will be less than a week before Christmas. My dad keeps teasing me about how my Christmas is going to be good but he's afraid that I'm expecting too much. I've chosen not to listen to him because a) I'll be greatful for whatever I get and b) two years ago he said the same thing when I told them I wanted season 1 of my favorite show Supernatural and it was very close to Christmas and the season was a bit expensive. I ended up getting it and everyone was happy.
I haven't peeked at any of my presents this year, either. I'm determined to keep everything a secret until Christmas morning. Not counting the traditional one gift me and my little sister get to open on Christmas Eve. :)
I will leave you now to go play more computer games (Oh, I'm cool, I know)
Stay tuned for more word on the street.
Less than three <3
*If you are in the St. John's area and have any information on Robert Banfield, please contact the RNC or Crime Stoppers.
He is described as 5'3" tall, 145 pounds, brown eyes, bald and clean shaven. He also frequently wears a red jacket.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Get Well Soon

I give this book 4 1/2 stars. It loses half marks for me because I don't think it's a book that I'd read again. At least not anywhere in the near future. And I would only not read it again because the jokes are old now. I read them once, I remember them, that's it. End of story. Once the jokes and puns vacate my memory, I will deffinately read it again.
Stay tuned for more word on the street
Less than three<3
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Gay rights.
In grade nine, I wrote a speech on gay rights. A speech I never got to read aloud. But damn, I wanted to. I wanted to share with my classmates my beliefs, my feelings. Statistics about the gay population.
" teen suicide attempts are four times that of heterosexual youth."
That was copied and pasted from
Doesn't that turn your stomach? I know it fucking rots me.
I don't really know where I stand on a lot of important issues (i.e. Abortion) I'm just a confused 15 year old girl. But I do know that this Proposition 8 bullshit and everything surrounding it rots me.
If these people want to be with someone of the opposite gender, let them! It's not hurting you. You don't have to even look at them if you don't want to. Turn your head. Stop being so goddamn selfish.
With this, I leave you. I'm too pissed off to continue.
Stay tuned for more word on the street
Less than three<3
Friday, November 21, 2008
Spider's Song

She's ashamed of the fact that she cuts herself and she's trying to stop. She only ever does it once in the book; the rest being flashbacks.
She meets a busker at the local Caribou Carnival and immediately finds out he's her father. She keeps it a secret from everyone and brings him to stay at an abandoned shack that she used to go to for when she cut herself. The whole book is her trying to get answers from her 'father' Ed.
I have to say, the book felt like a bad fanfiction to me. But, it had a good hook. Everyone who asked me what I was reading, I told them I was reading a bad book. But, I couldn't stop because I had to find out what was going to happen. I knew there was something big going to go down between her and Ed. And I knew after that something big went down, she was going to spazz and go straight to what comforted her from the start; cutting.
The best part was probably fifty pages from the end. When things actually started getting interesting. The rest of the book really wasn't that great. Even the ending wasn't that great. It was left for a sequel, definitely. To be honest, I'd probably read the sequel. I have a tendancy to read bad books. Dangerous girls by R.L Stine, anyone?
I give this book 2 1/2 stars. Deffinately not the best book I've ever read. But if there ever was a sequel (or maybe there already is one that I don't know about) I'd probably check it out of the library. Or buy it second hand like I did this one.
Stay tuned for more word on the street
Less than three<3
Thursday, November 20, 2008
It's been a while since my last post. And I can tell you that virtually nothing of overly great importance has happened since.
Report cards were handed out. I wasn't ecstatic but it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. I'm upset with Bio mark. I like Bio, quite a lot, actually. So, I just thought I'd be doing better. Let's keep our fingers crossed for next term.
I've had Animal Farm and A Christmas Carol passed to me for English. I haven't finished either, which is surprising because they are 98 and 76 pages each (approximately). I think, honestly, it's because I was told you have to read these books by these dates. I don't like being told what to do, especially when it comes to reading. And, weirder yet, they are two books I'm pretty positive I'd like. I had wanted to read Animal Farm even before I knew it was going to be a book we were going to be working on. I like taking my time when reading. Otherwise it takes the fun out of it. I think that's why I haven't joined a book club.
On the topic of books, I'm finally coming to the end of Spider's Song, so stay tuned for my review on that. I stopped reading for a couple weeks because there was a not so interesting part. It always happens to me. I start a book and stop mid-way because there's a part that doesn't hold my interest. I don't think the review will be anything great, guys. Unless the ending is amazing.
Tomorrow, 6:25 pm, I will be sitting in a movie theatre with popcorn in hand, settling down to watch Twilight. I have to say, friends, I am not very excited. At all. It honestly looks like crap. But, when I get home, I'll probably post a little blurb telling you what I thought. I'm really really hoping it exceeds my expectations. Twilight was my favorite book of the four and I will not be all too happy if it is ruined. Because, well, I like the book but, it is quite overrated. Just like Harry Potter. I know, everyone loves, HP! Well, I don't; not really. I think it's overrated. Everyone's too obsessed with it. But, even though I do quite enjoy the books, Twilight is just as overrated as Harry Potter.
I will shut up now. Leave the rest of the blogging for another day.
As I promised, I will be back for a Twilight and Spider's Song review!
Stay tuned for more word on the street.
Less than three<3
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Perks of Being a Wallflower

So, here is my first book review. The book: The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
It was a great book. I was just disappointed because I was told it was much greater than I found it to be.
This book gets 4 stars.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Hello and Welcome
I think this will be my first official blog. I've had many different accounts on many different websites but, I find that I never really stick to them. I can't tell you how many usernames I've had to create to be a part of the elite underworld of bloggers. Sometimes, I just get this urge to write. And when I actually sit down to write, nothing comes to mind. I think this blog will help me rid myself of that problem.
I have a couple of started stories. If I ever manage to finish them, I'll probably end up posting them in shortened chapters. But, for the most part, this place will be filled with book and movie reviews. I love saying what I hated and loved about each book I read.
So, until the next urge, stay gold guys.
And, stay tuned for more word from the street.
Later days.